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Top keywords: 4x4 motors pizza hut dubai menu house hunters dubai round table pizza dubai massage in bur dubai massage bur dubai belhoul european hospital reem automobile samir jamal

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 84.89
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $9.66

"" approximate summary search engine traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 84.89 $9.66*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 9 pages, 9 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. 4x4 motors $5.23  19  1. pizza hut dubai menu 43  4  1. pizza hut dubai menu   4 
2. pizza hut dubai menu $2.17  4  2. house hunters dubai 16  5  2. house hunters dubai   5 
3. house hunters dubai $0.78  5  3. massage in bur dubai 5  3. massage in bur dubai   5 
4. round table pizza dubai $0.73  11  4. 4x4 motors 19  4. massage bur dubai   6 
5. massage in bur dubai $0.41  5  5. massage bur dubai 6  5. round table pizza dubai   11 
6. massage bur dubai $0.22  6  6. round table pizza dubai 11  6. reem automobile   11 
7. belhoul european hospital $0.07  17  7. belhoul european hospital 17  7. samir jamal   12 
8. reem automobile $0.04  11  8. reem automobile 11  8. belhoul european hospital   17 
9. samir jamal $0.02  12  9. samir jamal 12  9. 4x4 motors   19 

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