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Title: Beginner Bridge Novice

Bridge books for beginners, intermediates and teachers; on-line tutorials, monthly hand; glossary; library; bridge links

Top keywords: beginner bridge beginning bridge bridge beginner check back stayman check back stayman beginners bridge checkback stayman board1 anna bromberg beginner bridge game

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 119.98
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $23.96

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Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 119.98 $23.96*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
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Google: 4 pages, 4 positions
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7. checkback stayman $0.63  5  7. board1 6  7. beginning bridge   7 
8. board1 $0.22  6  8. beginners bridge 12  8. anna bromberg   9 
9. anna bromberg $0.13  9  9. anna bromberg 9  9. beginner bridge game   10 
10. beginner bridge game $0.07  10  10. beginner bridge game 10  10. beginners bridge   12 

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