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Top keywords: children of alcoholics lost child family addiction children of alcoholic children drug abuse addiction family drug abuse family parental substance abuse family drug abuse addiction and family

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 5.92K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $6.57K

"" approximate summary search engine traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 5.92K $6.57K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

"" organic keywords

Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 10 pages, 10 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. children of alcoholics $3.41K  1  1. lost child 3K  1  1. lost child   1 
2. lost child $2.57K  1  2. children of alcoholics 2K  1  2. children of alcoholics   1 
3. family addiction $74.61  5  3. children of alcoholic 72  1  3. children of alcoholics foundation   1 
4. children of alcoholic $70.47  1  4. children of alcholics 59  1  4. children of alcoholic   1 
5. children drug abuse $66.09  2  5. it's not fair 57  15  5. effects of drug abuse on children   1 
6. addiction family $64.11  4  6. parental substance abuse 31  2  6. children of alchoholics   1 
7. drug abuse family $29.34  8  7. children drug abuse 25  2  7. children of alcholics   1 
8. parental substance abuse $25.72  2  8. children of alcoholics foundation 25  1  8. children of alcoholics screening test   2 
9. family drug abuse $25.15  5  9. children of alchoholics 25  1  9. effects of drug abuse on families   2 
10. addiction and family $22.32  6  10. effects of drug abuse on children 19  1  10. parental substance abuse   2 

"" SEO score

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