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Title: Welcome to The Hearing Company


Top keywords: siemens hearing aids siemens hearing aids rechargeable hearing aid rechargeable hearing aids rechargeable hearing aid batteries hearing aid rechargeable batteries mini tek rechargeable hearing aid battery seimens hearing aids siemans hearing aids

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 288.23
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $588.17

"" approximate summary search engine traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 288.23 $588.17*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

"" organic keywords

Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 10 pages, 10 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. siemens hearing aids $161.09  15  1. siemens hearing aids 69  15  1. hearing aid rechargeable batteries   2 
2. siemens hearing aids $132.75  16  2. siemens hearing aids 57  16  2. siemans pure   2 
3. rechargeable hearing aid $96.11  9  3. rechargeable hearing aid 54  9  3. nitro cic   4 
4. rechargeable hearing aids $93.28  8  4. rechargeable hearing aid batteries 35  5  4. rechargeable hearing aid batteries   5 
5. rechargeable hearing aid batteries $57.34  5  5. rechargeable hearing aids 30  8  5. rechargeable hearing aid battery   6 
6. hearing aid rechargeable batteries $14.53  2  6. hearing aid rechargeable batteries 2  6. centra active   6 
7. mini tek $7.16  9  7. rechargeable hearing aid battery 6  7. rechargeable hearing aids   8 
8. rechargeable hearing aid battery $6.75  6  8. centra active 6  8. seimens battery   9 
9. seimens hearing aids $5.63  15  9. nitro cic 4  9. rechargeable hearing aid   9 
10. siemans hearing aids $4.20  14  10. mini tek 9  10. mini tek   9 

"" SEO score

SEO Parameters
Webarchive Date N/A
Page Rank N/A
Google Index N/A
Dmoz N/A
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